Monday, November 24, 2008

How To Have Funscorpio Man

subliminal messages Learn how to record your computer

subliminal messages to record audio tracks using your computer, follow these steps (explained now briefly expand in the future):

Step 1: Define track or audio tracks on which you want to record subliminal message, pass them to digital format (mp3 or wav), if we have the digital file (eg an MP3 file), move to the next step. Future

will explain how to convert music from a CD or a tape into a digital file.

Step 2: Define the objective we want to achieve with the underlying message.

For ejemlo:
- Quitting
Lose weight - Increase self-esteem
- Improve
notes - Etc.

Step 3: Write subliminal messages according to the objective defined in the previous step. Once drafted, we separate those who want to use. It is advisable to write in a clear or better yet write them on your computer and print them, so we more easily read when scanning.

Step drafting of subliminal messages is very important because we must follow certain rules for the message to achieve the goal we seek and avoid unanticipated effects. These rules are detailed in the future.

Step 4: Once read the messages that we use, we must be digitized and then processed. To do this we need an audio editing program, there are many, we can use any of them because we can record all audio tracks.

If you do not have a publisher, we can use the Windows Sound Recorder. To access the enter there, we and , there we will see the program to record sound, I opened it and pressing the record button (the one with a red circle) we can start recording with a microphone connected to your sound card to stop recording button must be pressed stop (square button), and to hear what we have recorded pressed the play button (the one with the arrow to the right)

Note: If you do not hear what we recorded, we must review the record setting to do this, double click on the speaker icon appears next to the system time (lower right corner of your screen), will open the volume controls, in that window, enter and there in the window that opens select the option and finally button, then change the recording controls, these controls selects the microphone and voila, your PC is already configured to record with a microphone connected to your sound card.

Once you have recorded the message, and after hearing you are happy with the result, burn it to a directory on your hard drive (preferably in a directory easily accessible.) Should be digitized in this way each of the messages you compose.

Step 5: with audio tracks (music) on which we want to record subliminal messages and subliminal messages already recorded, we proceed to implement any of the recording techniques subliminal messages, there are several.

To find one of the techniques used to record subliminal messages follow this link

The steps of recording techniques subliminal messages can be found on the following page: Technical

To apply a recording techniques subliminal messages usually need to have a professional digital audio editor, usually the instructions of the various techniques will provide information on the editor used to process the tracks.

In a next post, we will expand the steps outlined here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mugen Characters Final Fantasy

truths and myths Subliminal messages

Since the first time you hear talk about subliminal messages , much has been said on this matter and what can be achieved using these techniques, much of what says is true, and is scientifically sound, but there are things you can not do or just hype to overestimate the effect (this is done for various purposes, including to confuse, it is well known that the best place to hide truth is between two lies, and also Conversely, the best place to look somewhat a lie is between two truths).

So let's see some examples of things that are said about the subliminal messages :

"The images at high speed, are effective as subliminal messages "

This statement is true, because it knows that the human eye to register an image on the retina, retains the information for an additional time, which although small, allows to receive the following image the brain may have the feeling that there is continuity in the movement (in this principle movement is based on the film and TV ). Then, if the image is retained by eye, but for a short time, it means that the brain can register the information of the picture, although we can not move very fast consciously perceive his presence.

" subliminal messages recorded backwards are not effective"

on these messages, there is controversy, as there are those who claim that they could understand the message if the reverse, and others claiming that the brain has the ability to decipher what is recorded in reverse. In my personal opinion, I think a recorded message on the contrary, if it can be effective, this because when we hear a word or phrase, what is a decode serious sounds, such as exercise, think about the scale of musical notes (do- re-think my ......), now hear the musical scale in reverse (...... me re, do), would you recognize these sounds in reverse as the musical scale, I mean the answer is yes, but would say: "It is the scale at around" but that did not stop they have recognized the scale, then, from the level of words, perhaps we are not trained to recognize words backwards, but the human brain's subconscious ability if you can, then a word engraved in reverse, you may not consciously understand it, but the subconscious will be able to understand and process. Finally, do you think it is coincidence that Rome is the capital of love ?

Well, in the future be published other examples of truths and myths about subliminal messages , if you have any, send them and shared with all visitors.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Og Mudbone Vickipedia

As we saw last time, one of the uses to which it gives subliminal messages is therapeutic, to help solve problems that have as its focus the subconscious mind, (ie they have no problems physiological cause, although there is research through ensuring that all conditions must do with the mind, expand this in the future.)

Some of the problems are commonly treated by using subliminal messages are:

- Addictions (Alcohol, drugs, etc)
- Phobias (Fears)
- habits (overeating, being messy, etc)
- undeveloped skills (memory, concentration , etc)
- personal characteristics (shyness, aggressiveness, etc.)

As you can see, all these examples have to do with the mental mechanism is why a subliminal message help, it is a message not pass through the filters of the conscious mind.

For example:

A person who eats too much, if you say to herself that eat less, it triggers the mechanism of thought answers which only manages to eat the same or even more, and of course, many these people are well aware that internally say, "Well, tomorrow if you eat less ..." and of course, the next day same thing happens. In contrast, a subliminal message comes as an order directly to the subconscious, so if the message is related to that person happy eating a reduced food portion, the message is automatically obeyed (no the mind of the person to question it), then after eating the small portion of his mind will tell you to stop eating. Of course the only message is not that this person will lose weight, but will help in one of the objectives difficult with people who suffer from overweight : Eating less.

messages are always supportive therapy, usually these subliminal messages not relieve the effort, as in the previous example, the need deleted the person also exercise to lose weight in a healthy way. So if you normally do is burn also a subliminal message the person that gets this much more willing to exercise and look for healthier foods, which of course means that together the person finally achieves his goal.

In short, the recorded messages with subliminal technology (which allows messages to be there, but can not be perceived by the conscious threshold of the senses), they arrive as orders for the subconscious mind, and then are obeyed literally, so they can help change the mental processes that lead us to express some behaviors that do not wish to have them.