Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hemmrhoids Right Before Menstrual Cycle

Solution to 5303 geniograma

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and plus:

biblia DV1

Life Application Bible: In Your Hands

: PDF have to do those ancient cultures with the current?

* I love God, why I can not understand what he is saying through His Word?

* What is happening in the lives of these characters in the Bible?

Many Christians do not read the Bible regularly. Why? Due to the pressures of daily life can not find a connection between the timeless principles of Scripture and the ever present problems of everyday life.
God urges us to apply his Word (Isaiah 42.23, 1 Corinthians 10.11; 2 Thessalonians 3.4), but very often only accumulate knowledge of the Bible. That's why the Bible was developed daily live, to teach how to practice, how to apply what we have learned.

The application of the Word of God is a vital part of our personal relationship with God is the evidence that we are obeying. The difficulty is to apply the Bible to our lives is not in the Bible itself, but the inability of the reader to bridge the gap between past and present, the conceptual and practical.

When we do not or can not do this, the results are spiritual barrenness and superficiality and indifference.

The words of Scripture we cry, "Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only" (James 1.22). The Bible of daily living does just that. Was prepared by a team of pastors, scholars, family counselors and interdenominational national organization dedicated to promoting the Word of God and spread the gospel, took many years to complete and all work was reviewed by several renowned theologians under the direction of Dr. Kenneth Kantza .

The Bible of daily life makes it a good study Bible should do: it helps to understand the context of the passage, it provides important background and historical information, explains difficult words and phrases and helps you see that there are correlations within the Scriptures. However, much more than that.

The Bible of daily living much deeper in the Word of God, help you discover the eternal truth that is communicated, see the relevance to their lives and take a personal application. While some study Bibles try their implementation, over seventy-five percent of this Bible is directed to the application. The notes answer the questions: "What's that?" And "What does this passage for me, my family, my friends, my job, my neighborhood, my church, my country?" Imagine

is reading a familiar passage of Scripture and is getting a fresh insight, as if for the first Once you read. What life would be richer if it allowed each Bible reading would give a new perspective and caused a small change for the better. A small change each day will result in a changed life, and that is the true purpose of the Scriptures.


and also for my geniogramistas retirees (like me):

The Art of Bonsai



watering bonsai




also a book on the care of Bonsai:

manual-bonsai . rar bonsai_collage

hope you like it, until the next

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MANUAL, 5303 geniograma

solution to geniograma Life Application Bible gambetta

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Welcome Address Of The Program

results this week - 5301 -5302 geniogramas

and we have the list of winners

azxsedrc 004

azxsedrc 002 1st Award: Mr. Marco Aurelio Ugarte Arellano DNI 06023594 Lima

2nd. Award: Mr: Alfred Percy Barclay Piazza ID 0781326 Miraflores

here to congratulate the winners and invite them to tell their experiences

and now my resolution of Geniograma 5301

click on image to enlarge.

and also my resolution of 5302 geniograma

Click on image to enlarge

yapa and I bring this article:

Foods that slow aging

nutrition experts group lists food that contains high levels of antioxidants, helping to reduce cell degeneration

Fight free radicals, promote longevity and enjoy the dishes is possible if you learn to select foods, suggesting a site specialized on the human body, Discovery Health, who presented the list of 20 foods that retards aging. miel300 1. Wine. "Red wine is known as the new anti-aging elixir, and for good reason. Studies on anti-aging properties of wine have discovered a unique antioxidant called resveratrol that has powerful effects on age. It is produced during the process fermentation and abundant in red wine and a little less on target, "says Dr. Grigory Sadkhin, founder of The Sadkhin Complex, a weight loss program anti-aging.

2. Apple. "Apples are properties to fight free radicals. We help keep young people from the inside out ", sums Deborah Enos, nutritionist and author of The One-Minute Wellness Coach.

3. Green tea. Green tea has been used for thousands of years as a traditional beverage that promotes therapeutic longevity and good health, says Dr Sadkhin. "It is an excellent source of an antioxidant called EGCG, which prevents the growth of harmful cells and helps maintain the structural integrity of the membranes, which also protects cells, added.

4. Salmon. It is rich in healthy protein and omega-3 fatty acids. "These acids reduce inflammation in the body and improve immune system function, "says John La Puma, author of ChefMD: A Food Lover's Guide to Culinary Medicine.

5. Honey." It has been discovered that honey is as good source of antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables healthier, as well as provide energy and carbohydrates, which are essential for an active lifestyle, "says John La Puma.

6. Greens." The green leaves, but especially spinach, can help protect you from age. Spinach in particular protects against macular degeneration associated with age, "says Deborah Enos, an expert in nutrition.

7. Milk. Contains vitamins D, K and calcium to prevent bone degradation, vitamin A is critical for immune function and iodine, important for thyroid function. It also has nutrients like potassium, magnesium, riboflavin and vitamin B12, necessary for good heart health, says Dr. Sadkhin.

8. Red fruits. The blueberries and blackberries contain powerful phytonutrients called flavonoids, which help cells to communicate effectively with one another and have been associated with reduced risk of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia.

9. Avocado. According to Dr. Sadkhin, besides being a good source of monounsaturated fat that reduce bad cholesterol and, therefore, reduce the risk of heart complications, which influences a long and healthy life, has vitamin E, an antioxidant that keeps skin healthy and prevents aging.

10. Broccoli. "Excellent source of vitamin A, which is in charge of regulating the immune system, help prevent and fight infections, and vitamin C, an essential nutrient for immune function and a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the vital molecules, as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, free radicals, "says Sadkhin.

11. Café. "The coffee protects against cirrhosis, cancer liver, Parkinson's disease and diabetes, "says John La Puma. According to the specialist, is metabolically active chemicals, including caffeine, which can act accordingly.

12. Garlic." Studies have shown that People who eat small amounts of garlic at least once a week are 50% less likely to develop certain types of cancer. "

13. Water. Drinking water is essential for survival, but also to live longer and better." Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day ensures optimal use of toxins and waste from the body and speeds the removal of these harmful substances from the body, reducing stress and improving overall health, "says Dr. Sadkhin.

14. Prunes. According to Dr. Sadkhin, have the highest concentration of antioxidants than any other fruit:" Prevent the proliferation of dangerous free radicals, which are responsible of oxygen damage to fats, which is an integral part of the tissue cells of the brain. Prevention reduces the risk of cancer, as these radicals are responsible for DNA mutations that result in cancerous growths.

15. Tomatoes. They are a rich source of flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory chemicals in the body, and lycopene, carotene better known that gives it that bright red color, says John La Puma, author of ChefMD: A Food Lover's Guide to Culinary Medicine.

16. Chocolate. Always a pleasure as well as healthy eating. "The higher the level of cocoa, the greater the ability of dark chocolate to dilate the arteries, helping to retain flexibility and elasticity and lower blood pressure, which helps slow aging," says John La Puma.

17. Seaweed. "Seaweeds are also a good source of soluble fiber in omega-3 oils, called essential oils," says Sadkhin

18. Pumpkin. Is loaded with vitamins and essential nutrients and is rich in antioxidants preventing the aging process and stimulate the metabolic function. Also decrease blood glucose and cholesterol.

19. Yogurt. Recommended because it contains live bacteria which fortify the immune system and improve metabolic function, "This increases resistance to immune-related diseases," he adds.

20. Soya. "The soybeans and soy, are full of healthy unsaturated fats, and flavonoids, powerful antioxidants and also are an excellent source of protein available for muscle building," says John La Puma



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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Capillaries On Babies

giant geniograma Today Saturday April 3, 2010

a little better viewing by clicking on the image.

This geniograma presented in May sssd 002

Some Guidelines ... ... ... ...

taught to fly, but not to fly your plane.

teach to live but not live your life.

No But ...
on every flight, every life, every dream,
always endure the path followed taught.

In our culture we are taught to fear the sun and hide from him, when in fact our whole life depends on the sun, starting with that nourishes the plants, which are at the beginning of the food chain. He is our great benefactor, balances the nature and ecology. This Hira Ratan Manek preaches, known as the messenger of the Sun and his technique: the Sun Gazing, is a form of Tratak, should be practiced in the early hours of the morning and the last of the day should be practiced standing barefoot and on Earth.

Without shoes, without stepping on concrete, stone or grass field or lawn (The grass absorbs the solar energy). It should be standing on sand or on gravel / mud / earth bare feet should be in contact with the ground. During this time, the sun's rays do not have much strength, and UV radiation is lower, so do not cause any damage to the eyes. Begins by observing (or just watch) the sun for just 10 seconds. Do not stare or approaches to view it: just look at it. Get rid of stress and tension, and relaxes facial muscles and eyes.

Keep a relaxed posture. No need to maintain the look without blinking, the blinking stops normally occurs. While you practice, you should seek an attitude of "surrender" to the natural and cosmic energy from the sun, and a "self-belief" and a deep belief that this practice is going to help / heal / nourish. Increases the time it "towards the sun" 10 seconds each day. Within three months, you're practicing about 15 minutes. At that time, all the tension mental problems, etc.. disappear.

This, in itself, is very important. If this is your goal, you can stop the practice at this time and go on the practice ground after sun gazing. "

If you want to go ahead, continue for another three months, increasing 10 seconds each day. When you take six months and practicing, you're about 30 minutes. At that time, all your discomfort and your physical ailments have disappeared. If this is your goal, you can stop the practice at this time and go on the practice ground after sun gazing. " However, if you want go ahead, continue for another three months, increasing again for 10 seconds each day. Once you arrive at nine months of practice, will be somewhere around 44 minutes. This is the maximum.

NOT EXCEED 44 minutes. You will notice that in this period, your hunger will go down until it finally disappears and you have no need for food anymore.

The practice of staring at the sun at that time should be abandoned because they no longer need to continue with it. According to Shri Manek, during the first three months the pineal gland is getting activated, and the hypothalamus (or the way the eye to the brain) is charging. After this period, solar energy begins to be stored in each cell of the body. When they are all loaded and no need to continue "looking at the sun." It is only necessary to make the practice "post-look at the sun" for the body to recharge. Shri Manek says that our body needs large amounts of energy to digest food and for our brain / mind to deal with all mental problems, depression, negative feelings, etc. we suffer. Sri Manek claims that since the practice of "Sun Gazing" has finished with all these mental problems, he is calm and cool so do not use / lose energy. Since he is not eating, does not require energy for digestion. Thus, their energy needs are greatly reduced and can cope without food!

Gambetta Sussy edited by Malatesta

Technorati Tags:

look at the sun, Mr. Manek
, prana

, May

giant geniograma

Friday, April 2, 2010

Car Amplifers Explained

My result the 5299 and 5300 geniograma

kij 001

to see a little better, click on the image

and now a request:

post back to this interesting book


HARRY BENJAMIN - Recover Vision Without Glasses

complete system for self-treatment of eye problems that allowed the author to stop wearing stronger glasses that can be prescribed. Eye: my dear retired here's an interesting material, not waste it!


for geniogramistas

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Gambetta Sussy edited by Malatesta pe

Technorati Tags:

, 5299 geniograma ,

geniograma results,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where To Be Rubic Cube In Sunway

geniograma Winners this week: Super Giant-Geniograma

5296.5297 and 5298, March 30, 2010

1st Prize: Victor Rene Becerra Hernandez Imagen6 003 DNI 07,427,227 La Victoria


Guillermina Rodriguez Encarnacion

Secada Arcos de Callao

DNI 25653899 Congratulations!

And these are the official results:

Imagen6 001 The boy who stole his thirst to half a million Africans

Ryan Hreljac, Canada (05/03/1991) was only 6 years when he decided to tidy up your little world. If he could have opened a small drinking water tap why across the world could do the same?. With this logic landslide engulfed model and example for other projects considered adults, born of his hands "Ryan's Well" the company more fascinating than a child his age has begun ever. Such was the commitment that today, with only 17, presides over one of the largest NGOs in the implementation of development models in the water crisis. From then until now has provided water service to 577.640 people.

clip_image002 What makes this heartwarming story in a heroic example for our legacy is the early, commitment and perseverance of a child as young as 6 years to impose its 'raw' convictions. The magnetism of their actions has infected thousands of companies and individuals older than he, perhaps humiliated in an objective comparison. This has allowed, through what Ryan describes as the "Ripple Effect" (effect Wave), that the dream of a child to have safe water for all "becomes, little by little in reality.

is not the typical campaign orchestrated under a blanket pro-life Catholic society. It is simply recall the lesson adult child who taught us in his day Saint-Exupéry himself by her "Prince"

Smiles in Poverty (smiles in poverty). clip_image004


An unforgettable day of winter 1998 in Kemptville (Ontario) location Ryan's home, the professor at the College St. Michael, Mrs Nancy Prest was giving a little talk to her first grade class about the condition and health of students of the same age who lived in Africa. Asked the students if they knew what was the cause of death among African counterparts. All children were convinced that food shortages were surprised to learn that it is the poor quality of drinking water that decimated their classrooms 'antipodes'.

Ryan Hreljac was very surprised by the lack of 'clean water' and asked Nancy how much, a tap in Africa. Mrs Prest, bewildered, anticipated Ryan a figure he had read in a document: $ 70 for a pump. That same day when I got home, Ryan, who was still learning about the monetary value of things, he asked his mother the money to buy a tap and mail.

Susan, the first person who suffered the 'Ripple Effect', ignored between the bull and confusion concerns his son. But Ryan insisted all week about money and even suggested him to do chores for a whole year to earn the opportunity to decide what to do with a first salary.

"I do not understand, Mom," said, tears filling his eyes. "Children are dying simply because they have no clean water!" [/ Quote `]

His mother, accepted the challenge, knowing the lack of consistency in a child his age. Ryan vacuuming, cleaning windows and very determined, he worked patiently and saved every coin in an old tin of cookies. His mother, an accomplice of the game not the purpose, he anticipated the coins won on task. His two brothers were involved in the project but soon caved in to so holy stubbornness. Ryan did all the work that allowed her short stature from January 1998 to late April.


then accompanied his son to the office of the Watercan to deliver savings. Executive Director Nicole Bosley said the boy wearing ties with only $ 70 you can buy a hand pump. To drill a well would require about 2000. To which Ryan replied: clip_image006 said

I have to do more chores then.?

Nicole Bosley, our second captive of the 'Ripple Effect', convinced his superiors and the International Development Agency of Canada to pay the bill from the well to Ryan stockings. What kept the figure at $ 700 'forced labor' in the home of Hreljac. A family of lower middle class with limited financial resources. Immediately

wave 'Ripple Effect' is spread throughout the community and neighborhood who did not take Ryan to collect enough money for the investment of its first well. The Watercan then given an interview with Gizaw Shibru Ryan, the director of Uganda of all their programs. Both chose the school in Otwal Angolo well as the destination, a village north of the country stricken by AIDS and drought, where 1 in 5 children die before reaching age Ryan.

But Ryan's ambition was not at the expense of adult desires. When he learned that the wells are drilled by hand turned his obsession into a renewed captivating new wave looking for $ 25,000 it cost mobile drill. His mother caught between pride and devotion got an interview through his friend Derek Puddicombe journalist for the newspaper "Ottawa Citizen" that resulted in a documentary for TV and the arrival of checks and donations from all over the country.

While in its class, the teacher Nancy began an exchange of letters with students from the school of Uganda:

... Dear Ryan, my name is Akana Jimmy. I have 8 years. I love football. Our house is made of grass. How are in the U.S.? Your friend, Jimmy Akana.

Ryan replied:

.. Dear Jimmy, It must be great to have a house made of grass. I have 8 years. Do you drink water from my well every day? What is your favorite subject in school? When you go to Uganda 12 years. My house is made of bricks [...] Write me soon. Your friend Ryan.

The letter enclosed a picture of Jimmy. A student with a captivating story also had escaped from the clutches of the Lord's Resistance Army or LRA. For weeks, Ryan has adopted as his image of his new friend. Could you meet him?. He wondered. Susan and her husband thought that maybe, someday, could afford a trip. Maybe when Ryan turned 12. But Ryan could not wait that long. Soon, the rebound effect the next wave attracted a wealthy executive who donated to neighborhood Hreljac card air points, collected in its endless travel, which allowed Ryan to go to meet his new soul mate. clip_image008 Documentary "Ryan's Well. " First 10 minutes

In July 2000, Ryan came to the city of Otwal with his parents. 5000 children were waiting for him chanting his name.

"They know my name?. Said in amazement. "All who live within 100 kilometers knows your name, Ryan? Gizaw said Shibru

human Down the hall he waited for his friend Jimmy. He grabbed Ryan's hand and led him to 'his' well so that could cut the tape.

then opened the first of the 432 wells across 15 countries (mainly in Africa) has been drilled with Investment Foundation.

the future.

A beautiful and heartwarming story rooted in the dreams of a child and consolidated in the concerns of a teenager. Ryan has not stopped since that January morning in 1998. His feat, which is their constant stubbornness carry a commodity all over the world, has led his foundation to raise several million dollars.

The collection of awards and of Ryan meritaje is enormous. Re-investing wisely and celebrity encounters in paper currency. In addition, Ryan has participated at numerous conferences including the World Water Forum held in Kyoto in March 2003. [...] clip_image010 Grown never understand anything by themselves and it is very boring for children having to give explanations over and over again. "The Prince"


video about Ryan:

and this video can see Hugh Jackman doing propaganda for a brand of tea in Japan: