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Foods that slow aging
nutrition experts group lists food that contains high levels of antioxidants, helping to reduce cell degeneration
Fight free radicals, promote longevity and enjoy the dishes is possible if you learn to select foods, suggesting a site specialized on the human body, Discovery Health, who presented the list of 20 foods that retards aging.
1. Wine. "Red wine is known as the new anti-aging elixir, and for good reason. Studies on anti-aging properties of wine have discovered a unique antioxidant called resveratrol that has powerful effects on age. It is produced during the process fermentation and abundant in red wine and a little less on target, "says Dr. Grigory Sadkhin, founder of The Sadkhin Complex, a weight loss program anti-aging.
2. Apple. "Apples are properties to fight free radicals. We help keep young people from the inside out ", sums Deborah Enos, nutritionist and author of The One-Minute Wellness Coach.
3. Green tea. Green tea has been used for thousands of years as a traditional beverage that promotes therapeutic longevity and good health, says Dr Sadkhin. "It is an excellent source of an antioxidant called EGCG, which prevents the growth of harmful cells and helps maintain the structural integrity of the membranes, which also protects cells, added.
4. Salmon. It is rich in healthy protein and omega-3 fatty acids. "These acids reduce inflammation in the body and improve immune system function, "says John La Puma, author of ChefMD: A Food Lover's Guide to Culinary Medicine.
5. Honey." It has been discovered that honey is as good source of antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables healthier, as well as provide energy and carbohydrates, which are essential for an active lifestyle, "says John La Puma.
6. Greens." The green leaves, but especially spinach, can help protect you from age. Spinach in particular protects against macular degeneration associated with age, "says Deborah Enos, an expert in nutrition.
7. Milk. Contains vitamins D, K and calcium to prevent bone degradation, vitamin A is critical for immune function and iodine, important for thyroid function. It also has nutrients like potassium, magnesium, riboflavin and vitamin B12, necessary for good heart health, says Dr. Sadkhin.
8. Red fruits. The blueberries and blackberries contain powerful phytonutrients called flavonoids, which help cells to communicate effectively with one another and have been associated with reduced risk of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia.
9. Avocado. According to Dr. Sadkhin, besides being a good source of monounsaturated fat that reduce bad cholesterol and, therefore, reduce the risk of heart complications, which influences a long and healthy life, has vitamin E, an antioxidant that keeps skin healthy and prevents aging.
10. Broccoli. "Excellent source of vitamin A, which is in charge of regulating the immune system, help prevent and fight infections, and vitamin C, an essential nutrient for immune function and a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the vital molecules, as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, free radicals, "says Sadkhin.
11. Café. "The coffee protects against cirrhosis, cancer liver, Parkinson's disease and diabetes, "says John La Puma. According to the specialist, is metabolically active chemicals, including caffeine, which can act accordingly.
12. Garlic." Studies have shown that People who eat small amounts of garlic at least once a week are 50% less likely to develop certain types of cancer. "
13. Water. Drinking water is essential for survival, but also to live longer and better." Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day ensures optimal use of toxins and waste from the body and speeds the removal of these harmful substances from the body, reducing stress and improving overall health, "says Dr. Sadkhin.
14. Prunes. According to Dr. Sadkhin, have the highest concentration of antioxidants than any other fruit:" Prevent the proliferation of dangerous free radicals, which are responsible of oxygen damage to fats, which is an integral part of the tissue cells of the brain. Prevention reduces the risk of cancer, as these radicals are responsible for DNA mutations that result in cancerous growths.
15. Tomatoes. They are a rich source of flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory chemicals in the body, and lycopene, carotene better known that gives it that bright red color, says John La Puma, author of ChefMD: A Food Lover's Guide to Culinary Medicine.
16. Chocolate. Always a pleasure as well as healthy eating. "The higher the level of cocoa, the greater the ability of dark chocolate to dilate the arteries, helping to retain flexibility and elasticity and lower blood pressure, which helps slow aging," says John La Puma.
17. Seaweed. "Seaweeds are also a good source of soluble fiber in omega-3 oils, called essential oils," says Sadkhin
18. Pumpkin. Is loaded with vitamins and essential nutrients and is rich in antioxidants preventing the aging process and stimulate the metabolic function. Also decrease blood glucose and cholesterol.
19. Yogurt. Recommended because it contains live bacteria which fortify the immune system and improve metabolic function, "This increases resistance to immune-related diseases," he adds.
20. Soya. "The soybeans and soy, are full of healthy unsaturated fats, and flavonoids, powerful antioxidants and also are an excellent source of protein available for muscle building," says John La Puma
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