Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Minnetonka Moccasin Michiga

Death is the only absolute truth. All, without fail, we will face it: we do not know when or how, but some day everyone will enjoy / suffer our last minutes of life. Many used the 60 second terminals in your gods reminded how good they were in life and, accordingly, they plot size celestial proportional to its goodness and generosity, others not so sure having lived an exemplary life, (What the hell is that?) resign themselves to descend into hell. The rest, the unbelievers, the atheists damn, we guess on the part of our body will be more palatable to the worms.

Because of this inability to wriggle out of death and given that the vast majority of us do not like to live we die, most of our time trying to ignore this reality and our leisure and entertainment is not usually as the protagonist's death.

well aware of this are responsible for different television programming. So death on TV does not usually take a long time. In the entertainment space is not even mentioned. The reports count of deaths caused by the daily violence . Offal programs deal with it only to exploit the morbid of death of famous people. In the series is the preferred tool to get rid of characters that do not work or actors who want to quit the series.

But there is a great series where death is the protagonist. Six Feet Under - Six Feet Under earth - is the story of Fisher , a quirky family funeral in Los Angeles. La 2 released his first two seasons a little over three years and then left. It now promises to deliver the complete series (5 seasons) in stable times, about 12:30 or 1 am Monday through Thursday. They take a week, while I get to work with more sleep than usual. But worth.


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