A kitten is a wonderful animal if you discover they are, not for nothing says "He who does not like cats is because they never had one." They are low maintenance pets and many people prefer a different kind animals, eg. dogs, since they require much more time and dedication that these cats and some dogs do not support the concern.
List the basic advantages and virtues that have a cat. : * They are clean, Lois Pasteur said it was one of the animals with less bacteria. * Maintain
* They are quiet, which is not synonymous with boring.
* They're cute, even come to give an air of sophistication to home.* peers and are very affectionate.* are funny, sometimes as much as a dog, you just have to figure out what games and toys likes. * have a great capacity to adapt, can live in apartments or houses with gardens.
* not occupy much space.
* No cover them every 15 days, only a very few times a year.
* not smell bad!
* They are silent, have pads on their paws. * Can be sterilized
both the cat and the cat.
* No need to walk twice a day.
* They can be left alone for several hours is not revenge, frighten or annoy.
* If you leave home and forget the lights out, nothing happens, are nocturnal!
* If you buy the balanced meal, they are fed once a day.
* You can have multiple in an apartment.
* Not included in pack.
* can live with other pets such as dogs, birds, fish, reptiles ...
Cats will make their "needs" a health stones sold at low prices, they should be placed in a plastic box health. At one time, at home we did not have all this, but cats instead of going and mess everywhere, were going to the bathroom and made to the ceramic side, we had been comfortable as could easily be cleaned and pull the toilet.
While cats are independent, they become very attached to their masters, so that sometimes people can not believe it their love is unconditional, are loyal and do betray as the gossips say, are faithful companions that take us away the lonely hours. In the U.S., has been shown to lower the stress if one cherishes, to hear her purr gives us a sense of security and raise self-confidence, and also protect against allergies to make our body produce antibodies.
Cats create passion, love and hate, this who love her dearly and those who hate you too.
Balanced Dry Foods Are foods commercial, come with all the nutrients and vitamins needed by our cat in measures proportionate to the need for animal. Must have taurine, an essential element for these cats, if insufficient in the diet can cause heart problems, among others.
The advantages of dried foods are balanced: Studies: Can be stored in a jar, a bag in the cupboard or anywhere else in the house without a refrigerator. Durable : Stored properly can remain months without spoiling. Insurance: We can be assured that our cat will not contract diseases such as toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis or other ill THROUGH food.
Comfort: We must not cook or clean anything after the cat has eaten. The only thing we do is measure the daily ration and serving on the plate.
Classes: There are different types of foods intended for certain age groups or pathologies, are made differently, with different proportions of ingredients.
For children under 12 months.
For more than a year before a certain age, varies according to the company, up to 7.9 or 10 years. Senior
: For cats over 7, 9 or 10 years
. Urinary problems: for those who suffer from imbalances in the pH of urine. Obesity and Diet: For those who need fewer calories to achieve weight loss. Sensitive: Some cats are very sensitive stomach, so they created these lines.
is advisable to change the taste of food in some cases, eg if in March gave him like all fish, in April we can provide meat or chicken, fish back in June, July, another taste, etc ... also good to give those cans that sell or common meal as meat chopped cooked chicken or a little, and not used to eating only feed.
We must choose correctly the brand and quality of food, if you bought a very cheap meal we risk making our cat to suffer a urinary obstruction caused by stones or gravel. The calculations are like a pebble that can be very tiny or as large as a marble, clog the bladder (the bag where urine collects) or urethra (the tube where urine comes out). It is painful and uncomfortable for the cat and the only solution is to operate, their symptoms are constantly going to the tray health to urinate but nothing comes out or just a few drops, there may be blood in the effort made, some meowing from the pain and discomfort. The these disasters occur because the feed cheap and poor quality is because when economic saving in raw materials, whether buying or eliminating poor quality ingredients. This results in an imbalance in the pH (acidity) of urine, resulting in the formation of these stones called calculi or grit. not forget the water. To be devoid of liquid food, you will be very thirsty to our cat, if you do not provide a dish with enough water could not only dehydrated but also create problems and urinary cystitis, some foods high in salt to encourage water consumption and if not drinking enough, it could cause a urinary disorder.
Food Home.
home, always remember the basic rule ... VARIETY, let's not forget that, even have a notebook to write what food we gave him today or yesterday, for ensure that the daily eating different foods.
The meat is necessary for taurine that cats have no heart problems she might have, but not sufficient element, always too much meat can cause bone problems due to the lack of calcium. will get used to our little cat to eat foods such as fish, cereals, some fruits and vegetables, etc ... Red meat (beef, pork ...) and white (chicken) must be cooked at 70 degrees or more, should not be pink parts indicate raw or semi-arid areas. Cooking is not to be richer, but to eliminate, prevent and avoid diseases like toxoplasmosis that are spread through the raw meats. The fish always boneless and bone best avoided. Good prepare pumpkin puree from time to time by vitamin A. If your cat eats is fruit such as melon, pineapple, we can give sometimes. Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, tomatoes (without seeds!), Corn, etc ... Avoid fried, over-use oils, shortenings, or margarines.
Dairy products like cheese are permitted but must not spend the milk it produces some cats diarrhea and stomachaches. Eggs, rice, polenta, are also not to forget food.
One day we can give, rice with chicken and mashed pumpkin, another day liver cooked with minced meat, diced the next cheese and polenta, then a bit of pate, etc ... a matter of imagination and creativity.
not forget to consult the vet for some recipes that we can advise and perform a checkup every now and then if you need some vitamin supplements.
: As its name suggests, leukemia. Applying a first shot when the kitten is two to two and half months. The second will be when he turns three months. After two doses, is an annual vaccine for our cat. Rabies: Rabies. In many countries this vaccination is mandatory so I recommend if you live in a country that has had rabies cases often do not hesitate to protect your cat. The first dose will be at three months and a half, then it is an annual vaccination. The Rinotraqueitis affects the respiratory system, is caused by a virus and its symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, nasal inflammation and conjunctivitis. Its mode of transmission to other cats is in contact with eyes, nose and / or mouth of a infected cat, by receiving the objects that touch the sick cat or sneezing on them.
The Calicivirus affects the respiratory system and is caused by a virus, produces symptoms like pneumonia and mouth ulcers. In most cases it is accompanied with other infectious diseases such as rhinotracheitis. Its mode of transmission to other cats by direct contact with saliva, nasal and eye secretions and feces of an infected cat.panleukopenia is similar to the virus that causes parvovirus, causes diarrhea and attacks the white blood cells responsible for immunity. The symptoms that can include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, intestinal gas, poor appetite in the early stages. Dehydration and diarrhea in more advanced stages and may die. Its modes of transmission are through fecal matter, vomit, saliva and urine of infected cats as well as by insects such as mosquitoes that previously bitten an infected animal and the blood circulating ill.
Feline Leukemia is a cancer that affects white blood cells, which are responsible for immunity, there are three types: A, which is immunosuppressive, B and C. Their transmission can be through saliva, urine, fecal material, blood transfusions as well as by sharing food and water troughs. It is not transmitted to humans.Rabies is a virus disease, transmitted by wild animals to pets THROUGH saliva. Attack System central nervous and causes acute encephalitis.
in cats hair long or semi-long, at least you should do it three times a week, ideally every other day.
short-haired cats also need, but less so than long hair once a week or every 10 days is sufficient. Brushing helps prevent ingested hairs cat grooming, your hair will stay soft and shiny, you increase blood flow and not allow the formation of knots, in some cases the fleas do "spoon" in these knots, if you can not disentangled, it is best to cut it and return it to grow fur. Brushing should be a checkup to find out if you have skin problems, sores, bumps (if you were to have a not squeeze it, in any case take it to a vet could be a tumor or abscess), etc ... If you have any injury the best thing would be to find a small scissors and try to cut the hair around it (taking care not to hurt him anymore) and will have better contact with the air and help to not get infected too. To get more air will heal and heal faster than it covered.
If you see balls and stuff in a spiral of black on various parts of his body, indicating the presence of fleas.Some do not like be brushed so we have to accustom them since they are kittens, however there are others who are eager to make the combs. Never force it if it does not want to force him to be in strange poses, we take anger to the brush and the whole process by becoming very difficult.
To start you must first of all get yourself a good quality brush that is soft and does not make you hurt, the ends should be rounded. Must adapt to it, following their movements for comfort and interpret what these petted. Gotta find you too comfortable so sit down in a chair and puts the cat on a table or directly please do it on the floor or in a place that is comfortable for both.If your cat is fully prepared to not leave it near a meter or brush, gloves, brushes there that are very useful because it will be as pet and will not give you much annoyance, but also can "bribe" you feed him while you brush, then link him with food and will not have much disgust.
When finished, it's good to stroke it with your hands to remove loose hair that could have been and that the brush could not catch, or you can pass a cloth, then you can wash easily.
pregnant cat
Duration: approx estimated. 9 weeks (63 days).
Symptoms of prEN: Disappearance of the heat suddenly attitudinal changes such as increased appetite, some adhere more to their owners and want the address and cuddled more. Vomiting can be reached, if you see that are too consistent and straight, take her to the vet. During the first weeks of pregnancy is complicated to get to distinguish any change, just the 3rd week you can gently palpate the abdomen of the cat and feel the presence of kittens, it is best to go with a vet who knows how it should do . This week the cat's tits and pink will be widened. month and a half where we can get an x-ray detection of the kittens.
At the 5th week we noted that the cat has increased size, it should stay that way until the young were born, if we find that your weight does not rise or has declined to review. The last few weeks are important, that's when most kittens grow and terms of development, especially those 14 days late.
Food: At the moment we will keep giving the food to which they are accustomed, but should assess the quality and range to which the food you are providing, we can consult with a veterinarian to guide us and tell us that are mid-range brands (premium) and high (superpremium). If we see a very cheap food, not quality (as many ingredients eliminate necessary or used cheap raw materials), we are putting at risk the development of the kittens born.
When you have completed the month of pregnancy, buy premium food for kittens and gradually we will be adding a little to the daily food ration of the pussycat. Increasing each week, the last and should be eating kitten food only.
The amount we will be giving must be greater than when she was not pregnant, usually a cat 3 to 5 kg taken 60 grams per day, so we need 100gr feline mother at a minimum, amount will be raised when located at the end of the press. We draw your ration into several portions and give it every 4 hrs Like it never hurts to veterinary consultation.
Labor: The pace of iran uterine contractions increased as the kitten is expelled THROUGH the birth canal, they are born covered by the amniotic sac, the mother took them off but not so, carefully take the kitten with help it'll gently towel in the bag and clean up areas of the nose and mouth, then proceed to encourage the towel rubbing against the body until it begins to breathe, we must be sensitive to perform the procedure, do not push the kitten, only pass the towel on his body as if we were drying. Among
kitty kitty and may have periods of 20 to 60 minutes, but it is not unusual these days are a little longer. The mother cut the umbilical cord of each calf with his teeth to 2.5 or 3 cm. If you miss a kitten and we have to proceed with a fine thread previously sterilized with alcohol, we will tie two or three inches and a half approx. and leave a small space of 1.5 to 2 cm and then cut off with scissors disinfected with alcohol too.
We count the number of pups and placentas to determine if any were left without leaving, usually mothers eat the placenta so we will watch as the kittens born in most of the cases, the placenta and breeding out together, but if in 24 hrs was not expelled there to take her to the vet for an intervention, as if they have spent over 4 hrs and we believe that there are still unborn kittens.
Comfort for the mother: If we want and we can give comfort to our cat, the first will be a place to sleep, and delivery, they give birth when looking for safe, quiet and rather dark as a closet, under the bed of their owners or between the sheets themselves, in a drawer, etc ... So what will provide a box or basket with newspaper on the bottom and top clean linen, towels, placed in a room in the house where you can have your water and food dish and litter box. While there may be times when you decide to deliver in other places like the kitchen or bathroom, at least have a place to rest after their young. It is not advisable to move from this place while giving birth, if we find on the cold floor is what will bring clean cloths or towels and place them around, when a kitten is born to try to work up to the towel. After all the offspring born carefully transport it to their kittens, this must be done by someone you know and trust a lot.
remember ...
While in the stage of gestation, a cat must remain active, so we'll play with it (games smooth and not sudden), to walk, in simple words that moves, so their muscles lose their tone and strength.
A cat should not become excessively fat in animal fat, which could cause problems in delivery or hips, a veterinary check up every so often to make sure that your weight gain is only due for the kittens that are growing.
When approaching the final days of gestation, we must not let the cat out, even if our patio or garden and we are watching, could be to start giving birth outside, it would be appropriate.
The cat returns to its heat cycle last month and a half or two, depending on each one, try as they may not go outside to avoid becoming pregnant again, if this happens would be a great strain on it, so they have weaned the kittens must be spayed as soon as possible, like kittens.
depends on each cat, but usually their first heat is from six months onwards, although there are some cases that have had kittens at 4 mo. signs of a cat in heat are clear and precise. Meows strong and persistent. - Male and female. Out of home
constant for several hours and days. - Male and female. Return to injuriesfights. - Males. Urine
furniture, walls and everything in its power. - Males.They roll across the floor. - Females and some males.
females may be made more affectionate, but more characteristic is that lift the back of the body and tail located to one side.
Cats need 12 hours of light to begin their cycle, but those who live within a home are up to 14 hrs almost constant light, so they would all year with oestrus cycle. Unless you get a male, female jealousy will persist and will have it every 1 week or week and a half, until you find a cat or as the time of year where you can be every 2 or 3 weeks. If our cat was mating season and suddenly has stopped them, we must suspect her pregnant.
One way to know if the pussycat has been pregnant, have gone beyond their mating season, is changing attitudes will be more hungry, some want you to pay close attention and pampering, you may also suffer vomiting. From the 5, 6 weeks, the abdominal area of \u200b\u200bthe cat will have increased significantly and will remain so until birth of kittens. If we took it to a vet, you can feel the belly and if it is or spent 3 weeks of gestation, managed to feel a little kittens. Can
many of these cats, when they are in heat, begin to lose hair, not wanting to eat, which could cause health problems such as anemia, get anxious and nervous.
locked in a room will not be a solution, the cat will feel frustrated not being able to carry out its objectives of conquest, and want to get out even more, they managed to escape all.
It is best to perform sterilization, since street fights are dangerous to the health of our little friend, can get diseases such as feline leukemia, rhinotracheitis, among others that could threaten the life of the kitten.
Fleas and other
Fleas not only cause itching and burning skin of your cat, but are also disease carriers for the cat and us. Also, if they are in too much weaken the body of your pet, in some cases the animal produces a dermatitis by scratching, hurting the skin, this may result in fungal or other infections.
These parasites suck the blood of the cat, if they become heavily infected could eventually lead to anemia, among other things. The kittens are more likely to get sick from fleas because they have not yet developed immune system, could become very dangerous for your life. Where there is no fleas lice. Ticks are also carriers of many diseases transmissible to animals and us. Like blood-sucking fleas but ticks are "stuck" in the skin. We must never start because it could cause infections in cats, it is best to take a cloth and plenty of alcohol of 96 degrees in abundance and well dampen the area where the tick's head for a long time until release, then alcohol we throw over, throw in a sealed bag or burn. The cloth should be washed with boiling water and various disinfectants.
lice can not stand the smell of vinegar, if our cat had it better to use while bathing the preparation of equal parts vinegar and water, then rinse. If your cat does not allow bathing, apply it with a damp cloth using a sprayer, then rinse the same way.
It occurs more often in cats with long hair and half long, is very important to try to prevent them by brushing, with, we will be catching loose hair that could swallow the grooming. These hairs are accumulated and form the famous balls of fur that can obstruct the intestine of the cat becoming fatal in severe cases.
also good malt or a little olive oil so you can delete by itself, even sold in pet stores and pet shops a cream that gives the cat to help with this. In cats with short hair can also happen, in fact has happened to one of my kittens, fortunately managed to eject it by itself, but before that had the mood very weak, from one day to the other would not play, no eating nor drinking, hid under a cabinet and would not leave until we are very concerned by the attitude, got from there, everything was normal there, was just dehydrated and without forces have not eaten, we gave serum for dehydration, the coat because it had a low temperature. We gave a solution with salts and glucose, so regain strength. After a few days, managed to eject the ball of hair and is now healthy and active as before.
Feeding Kittens
If we have to give milk in pet stores selling a specially formulated kitten milk and cow's milk does not have the same amount of protein than the cat, including other nutrients such as phosphorus. Apart from cow's milk can cause severe diarrhea and stomach upset. Newborn to 2 weeks: Each 4 hours must be fed, ie 6 times a day.
The first week of life will take between 10 to 15 ml can reach to 20 depending on the cat, it's good to get a syringe of 10 or 12 cm3, not only to measure but to give it because the teats of the bottles end up after a while breaking. 2 weeks to 4 weeks: Every 6 hours, which would be 4 times a day.
6 to 12 months, divide the food in a single daily ration according to their energy needs as a kitten who lives in an apartment will be less active than one who can go out and wander for several hours. Let's ration of food (can be between 80 and 100 gr) at the plate all day if we only have a kitten, otherwise it is divided into portions throughout the day, so no cat will have eaten more than another. Similarly, should the kitty eat all the rations at once, so if you eat 100 grams, will give 50 to the morning and 50 in the afternoon.
If we offer much variety of foods other than balanced food, the kitten will grow accustomed to the different tastes and once in adulthood will not be so picky eating.not forget the water, is indispensable for survival, it is advisable to leave a dish of water near the mother to not stray far from the offspring, renewed every day or every 2 days.
Excess Food
should always be avoided, a cat overweight or obese is not synonymous with good nutrition and health, but will lead to future problems, heart, joints and more likely to suffer from urinary obstruction . If we see this really fat, we start a diet, daily ration and pulling down forcing him to move, either playing or making stand on a chair.
Newborns can not defecate and urinate on her own until after fulfilling a month, that's why after every meal they must pass a cotton swab moistened with water warm to encourage them, this is what I would do if any mother after nursing. It is even advisable to continue with this until the month and a half.
To educate healthcare mess in your box, then fed if any, will take you near the sandbox, because the kittens immediately after a while they feel like "going to the bathroom." Often fished messing where they should not, not only will challenge will try to take it to the litter box and let it run into the same (if he was in a nearby location.) Another way to use their litter box is placed a little fecal matter itself among the stones sanitary then proceed to assimilate both.
Maternal Heat
newborn kittens should have a heat source, are very delicate and tends to drop in temperature is rapid and can be fatal. If the mother can not be with them, you'd better put a hot water bottle covered with a towel under the kittens. If you have some petty cash, will be ideal, because the brothers will be huddled around a other, giving himself mutual heat.
If we do not have hot water bottle, placed near a heat source like a stove, whether it's summer, they need something that will keep the temperature up after a few weeks are not able to maintain body heat by themselves.
The game
is important that they provide fun for these young growing, they are not to suppress his desire to play because they might become depressed or in the future have behavior problems, so if we can give him a few toys for entertainment, great. If we do not have the money to buy something, you can create things in home eg, we can use those strings that do not use old shoes, make a ball with a role that no longer serve, you just have to tner imagination and the kittens little ones play with everything that moves in front of their noses, even some pursue the pencil with which we are writing.
A cat that was playful, from one day to the other pied all his desire to tinker, we will see how it behaves, if he sleeps a lot, if this decayed since most of the time a sick cat will not play.
is important to start brushing early to the kittens, especially if hair is long, so get used and will not do tantrums in the future. Socialization also helps.
pay attention
Kittens should gain weight every day the first month of life, we recommend you have a notebook where we write down the number of grams of each day, this will serve as a control, a cat begins to lose weight and not replaced, needs to be seen by a veterinarian. Similarly we weight the month last week.
Kittens eat several times a day, meaning that if we let them have food and only ate a little, we should not worry, hours later will return to sniff the plate. If even past the hour, no returns or rejects the food, we monitor their behavior, look if the next day still with the same attitude, even Having been moved or dish washing or changing the brand of food, then we will take to the vet, especially if they have spent more than 48 hours without food ingested. We will take a view if you have a runny nose and / or eyes, just as if you are suffering from diarrhea or constipation, paying attention especially when urinating, straining to see whether or blood, if you hide under beds, in wardrobes strangely as hiding from the light, all these symptoms are reason to go to the vet.
Care, Kitty!
Inside the home, there are many dangers for our mischievous little friend, the kitchen is one of them, that is why when we are cooking we must keep the cat away from the pots, hot oil, hot water, knives, etc ... Even the refrigerator or oven, though it sounds ridiculous, are places where the cat gets out of curiosity.
laundry is also risky for these slackers, the washing machine is usually a place where they can get to sleep, like the laundry hamper, if our cat is very small, risk to be introduced along with the clothes. The bathroom is a room that we should pay attention, you might want to take a bath and fill the entire tub of water, is when the phone just rings and leave the door open many kittens are really curious, they approach the edge and splash! Cat water, if it is small you may not be able to leave on their own. cabinets and drawers are very comfortable to sleep, until someone close doors and no longer can get out, it is common that many owners think their cat was lost and turned out to be that he was kept all day in a closet.
So before you close the fridge, oven, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, closet or even the balcony, if we look ahead a little intruder before.
best we can do for our kitty is castration, prolong its life and protect it from diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases such as Feline AIDS.
Some cats, when they are in heat, get anxious, nervous, can become aggressive, stop eating, losing hair ... They also have the distinctive meow incessantly. This operation is not painful, is performed under general anesthesia, then the recovery is quick and easy. In males undergo removal of the testicles, his speech is more simple than a female, and that the kittens should proceed by a cut in the abdomen, some prefer to make a cut on each side, but depend on the vet.
Once we deliver to our pet Carefully take it home, it is advisable to start a stove or take a room warm to prevent chilling.When you start to wake up, walk without sense, it is possible to crash into furniture or walls, it would be best to have someone stay with him to see that does not get hurt or to drop anything on them.
you will not near water, or food until fully awake.then recovery will be faster, but we should keep the females in the area where the points have been made, see if there are infections or opened. If a cat who insists on chewing the area of \u200b\u200bpoints, the most convenient is to place an Elizabethan collar (which looks like a lamp).
If we have sterilized our cat in the middle of the stage of estrus, was not passed on the day after the operation, will have to wait for the hormones that were making are completed.
age for castration is between 6 and 12 months, depending on the cat, it is more convenient not having his first heat, but if I had nothing bad will happen, what happens is that some cats remember the scent of a female in heat and possibly continue even without reproductive intentions. Male cats that have not gone through this stage sit-urinate and females, but there are cases in which recall his habit of peeing type "spray" (up and back toward something and sprinkle with urine object).
In simple words the advantages of sterilization are:
Avoid street fights that can give a result wounds, infections, abscesses and infections of diseases such as Feline Leukemia or Feline AIDS (among others). Decrease
his adventures and trips, while not able to eradicate the practice if we can shorten the distances to travel and time away from home. Avoid
reproductive problems and increase the number of years.
is important to keep our animal suppressed to avoid infection not only to ourselves but also to keep in good health our pet.
Parasites (also called worms), most of them stay in the intestine of the cat, play within it and many feed on the blood of the cat, this is as roundworms, hookworms, among others. This causes our pet does not use all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need, also favoring immune system problems. A clear symptom of worm infection is weight loss with increased appetite, although we raise the food ration our cat is thin. Also in many cases can be discovered in the stool, some white and elongated parasites. In some cases, the hair is rough, dull and ugly. Call your veterinarian to provide it the required dose of parasite, which come in drops or tablets and depending on the brand can be a once monthly or every 4 to 6 months.
Before you give a cat a bath, you have to look if you really need, will be subjected to a stress that may not be worthwhile.
Although if it really is dirty and no other option, it should be ...A bucket or bottle more than a liter of warm water and soap or shampoo for cats mixing.
A bucket or bottle more than a liter of warm water, nothing else.A cloth or rag.An adult cat requires little maintenance. BrushingA towel to dry.
What we do is put the cat on the bathroom sink or kitchen, we can also use a bowl, then talk gently to reassure him. With fabric or cloth and wet with water and shampoo, it will pass through the body to the kitten until you have covered all the hair. Always starting from the neck and head, careful not to touch the eye. We will take a bit of shampoo or soap and gently massage the body, telling him not to panic too much, cost a lot to prevent meow strong, so I better bathe for the day and not bother anyone.
After the soaping, with the help of the same cloth (rinse) go getting all the shampoo, you can throw a glass with water to assist and expedite the matter.
When finished, use the towel to calm down we can have a plate with food, so go slowly drying up may begin to purr!
If in the middle of the bathroom was very nervous, it will do is rinse quickly as possible, you let loose with a bit of food you get close, dry it and try another time.
The bathroom can weaken the kitten.
can also give a cold that may lead to something more serious.
So, over the bathroom, take him to a room with a stove. If it's summer shelter it is equally there may be cold drafts.
If you are sick, better avoid it, transfer it in any event with alcohol on a cloth coat.
Adult Cat
: It is essential in long-haired cats or semi-long, it is also necessary for the short-haired cats but its particularly spacious. Game: It is important to encourage his desire to play, it's good for us also stress that each liberate both playing with the cat because it makes us laugh, makes our feline waste energy, moving, strengthen muscles, etc ... So get a ball, laces shoe, do not cost much, we rejoice the day for us and our cat too. Soledad : If they can stay alone for large amounts of hours, we must not abuse the privilege, if we are the majority of their time outdoors, it is good to analyze bringing home another cat followed with huge. A cat who spends alone in a house or apartment will sleep most of the day, eat and do not burn calories, fat, fat will be put, this causes serious health problems.
Walks: A cat that lives in a house with a garden or patio, you will have the ability to perform daily walks that can be risky for him. Dogs, cars, bad people, contaminated food or water are some of the dangers, you can also catch diseases contact with other cats or contaminated objects. It is better to spend as much time as possible inside the home, one way to decrease your craving for adventure is the sterilization.street fights: in his walks, is very common that a part of numerous street fights with other cats, especially if it's male, unneutered and night. This may generate more than one visit to the vet in a few days. In these fights is common to come out with injuries, are minimal or not, are present and the problem starts if they become infected, forming abscesses (such as lumps), allergies, apart from the possibility of contracting diseases such as feline leukemia, panleukopenia, Feline AIDS among others.
Vaccines: Very necessary if your cat has access to the outside where sick cats may face in many countries is mandatory, especially the rabies vaccine.Hygiene: When it comes to cleaning, we refer not only to change the gravel in cat litter box, or Bani Al pussycat, but the hygiene of food, bed, brush and toys.
Dinner Plate: It is important that is washing even twice a month, or ethyl alcohol spray several times a week, once your cat has finished eating and pour boiling water twice a month. This is to prevent the formation of bacteria and fungi that could affect your health. Plato
water: It is important that it is always new and fresh, we can not make water as water "stuck" where Not only can drop trash, bugs but also to bacteria and fungi in the bottom of the container. If we have difficulty changing the water every day, make an effort to renew it every two or three days maximum. We clean the dish once a week and even boiling water it twice a month. Brush
: Sometimes we forget we also need to be washed, boil water and then take a bit of disinfectant after dipping the brush will suffice. It is desirable that each cat has its own brush, so if anyone had a skin infection not infect others. If we can not acquire more than a brush, it is necessary before use on another cat is sprayed with ethyl alcohol and water from time to soak in as hiriviendo mentioned earlier.
Bed: It's best to have more than one blanket for the cat, three or more would be ideal, so we change them often and wash them when we should not worry about it fast or by drying, will be other spare blankets. If you can, change them once every 7 or 10 days. If you use these beds "Moses", who have fabric stuck and can not get it out, with a sprayer that has ethyl alcohol, moisten all, you can help with cloth, do not forget the corners and the bottom where it rests against the floor.
My cat is sharpening claws on furniture Can you avoid?
Yes, it is possible to provide a scraper tree, a chair in use, a piece wood, etc ... where is not important that you sharpen your nails.
To learn how to use we put it in a place where you like the cat and we are comfortable to us also, then we will show that it is something rough where you can engage your nails, either grabbing his leg and a top-down movement tried to get their claws are driven, it is important that the cat is calm, good humor and a person in whom we trust, but it will run without having understood anything.
Some cats ranging from the first time and begin their work, others will cost a little more, and that means games thread or shoelaces that do not serve, try that in his attempt to catch cords, her nails key in the scraper or piece of wood. Little by little anger
learning, we can challenge him when they discover tapering where it should, shouting his name, making noises or a water pistol or spray to jet, wet it a bit, when you go running tap dancing like running after him but stay in the same place.
fruit crates are a weakness for many cats.
do I choose?
Adult Cat Adopt a cat that has already grown, means we have a cat with a distinct personality, although certain details of his character can go changing if one wishes, an adult cat can be retrained without problems and depending on each animal, learn faster or slower. If you want the company of a kitten but do not have much time to deal with it, it's best to opt for an adult as it has developed the psychic and have no problems spending many hours a day alone.
not lost his desire to play, good shoe laces that we not use and can be a game to share with him, I can assure you that I have seen cats with 10 or more years to run after a thread as a young kitten a few months. are easy to care, their health will be stronger than small, except if we adopt an adult cat weak has suffered an illness which caused his frailty and need recovery. not time consuming, are more independent that does not mean little loving, but we should not be above them all day care or worrying about where they went, they did, etc ... Since you know how to care for themselves. are a good choice when adopting a pet, do not forget them. Pussy
Who can avoid falling into the charm of small kittens and jovial, with his tender gaze of baby? But we should not be based on how nice it looks or how small they are when adopting a pet, you should know that consuming time and care will not be easy for some to endure the restless character and his tireless desire to play. Of course we must mention that those who spend much time outside the home, or with little patience, are the least suited to hold a kitten. They are like children, want to run, jump, explore, adventure, etc ... That's why there will have to watch where they walk, they do, they have new hiding place, because they often get into trouble that can end in tragedy. They can be very tiring some people.
If we washer or dryer, before closing the door and on, you have to check that the funny is not tucked in or trapped between clothing from sleeping in the laundry basket. If the kitten happily escorted us to the kitchen, before closing the refrigerator, look around to confirm that it is within the appliance. The kitchen is a jungle of hazards, sharp knives hung from a nail or just leaning on the counter, to be giant pots for a young kitten, stoves burning or hot oils, among everything else, that research may tip or fall over him for having left the edge of the countertop. trickles cables will be fun to play and chew, but you do not explain why they are dangerous, every time we see him have to wander around, rebuke if necessary, and means that you should not play with that. Cat
The basic difference between them is said is that cats are more territorial than others, many people prefer them because they "do not have offspring." If you do not want them for breeding or exhibition, it is more advisable to sterilize it, this can be done from 6 months of age. Not only to avoid jealousy (times in which sprayed everywhere with urine to mark territory and attract females coupled with his relentless caterwauling), but also to be more gentle nature, quiet and stable. Many people are afraid to operate because it is said that change in personality, this has some truth but not bad, just turn more inactive, not having to search females spend their afternoons engaged in sleeping, playing with toys, get attention, etc ... Some people say that cats become "cushion", being all the time lying and resting. Food must be controlled, are very likely to gain weight after sterilization.
Cats are more elongated face and nose, and bigger than a cat, a more serious face, but this does not mean they are unfriendly, one after a while of living with these cats can get to tell whether a female or male look at him just the features of the face.
La Gata
In contrast to this, many people prefer females before than males, due to their more relaxed, maternal and calm, some say they are more affectionate, but depends on each animal, there are males who become very cuddly. His jealousy is based in the mews to attract the male, they roll on the floor, trying to escape from home as well as male and of no use locking.
also prefer them because they are not afraid at the time of sterilization, as their character will hardly be changed by changing just a bit more idle than before and the food must be controlled to avoid fattening.
Many of them become real friends and are really attached to the owner, this is like the cats tricolor (brown, black and white). This variety of mantle just named, is exclusive to females, we can not see a male of this type (unless you have a genetic defect). Like cats with mantle Tortie (picture) that are also three color but with predominance of black or brown.
His face and nose is shorter, the shape of the head is smaller, his facial expression is more delicate and often more childish. Some are really tiny body, are lighter than a cat. Cats Raza.
We must always keep in mind that this kind of animals are most likely to be stolen, which is why if you have one, it is more advisable to have them in the home most of the time, if you want to play in the garden, we must watch to prevent it from escaping, this is not to be mean to them but a way to protect them because they can not only steal but have lost or an accident while trying to cross the street.
usually buy a pedigreed cat, looking to have a certain character but you have to find out their general features before buying, for example, what kind of problems experienced by individual members of such race, some Persians can eventually having breathing problems or eye because the tear ducts are clogged. You have to find out how dependent the owner is, as the Siamese are very attached to one and if you are going to leave most of the time alone, it is best to get another kitten to accompany him. There are people who can not stand the twins for his talkative nature.
will also have to ask the breeder if you need any special care. Cats
communication (race) are many mongrel cats that need a home, before being carried away by the beauty of cats with race, look for a stray cat, many of them match the elegance and beauty to those upscale kittens.
If one seeks a partner to hang out, have fun and out of loneliness, to rescue a stray kitten gives a great feeling inside, and they also know thanks, showing his love and loyalty, even many times we are going to be surprised by the need to be with us, the way we follow, watch or cherished.
addition, these kittens are free!
Shorthair Cat
This cat does not need much care, it is ideal for those who can not spend too much time. In this kind of cats, brushing is required at least once a week is enough, even many people will see what happens over and over the brush and the amount of hair that traps is very low, nor were they at the knots form hair that is very bothersome to the animal and sometimes the only way to get rid of them is cutting them.
Having short hair is less prone to contamination, if no longer comes out full of twigs, leaves and other objects that have become entangled in their fur. If you want a low maintenance cat, short hair is an ideal.
Longhair Cat
Definitely take a lot more time and care, you will need daily brushing to no knots, sometimes the fleas are hidden within them, hence the importance get rid of them ASAP. Will also be given a teaspoon of olive oil every so malta or buy directly from the cream that is sold to avoid balls of fur that can become fatal because they clog the intestine of the cat. also need a careful choice of brush to use as it could electrify the hair and ruin, if not recommend a cat to show some serious catching the fur around the genital areas, so as to minimize it from getting dirty when you do "their needs." In these cats, having to bathe will be much more frequently than short haired cats, you have to buy exclusive shampoos and conditioners for cats, like flea products as these cats are very sensitive when it comes to products poisonous, if you apply a canine flea the result could be fatal. is important to try not to use the hair dryer because it dries the hair, and brittle and may affect the animal's skin, dry or irritated. If you like cats impressive and attractive, this will be ideal but always remember that you must comb every day.
Gambetta Sussy edited by Malatesta
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