Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2010 Tax Deduction For Celiac Disease


  1. Modellus allows students and teachers (high school and college) to use mathematics to create or explore models interactively.
  2. The creation and exploration of mathematical models is a fundamental task in many sciences . Modellus can help students experience learning mind to create, simulate, and analyze mathematical models interactively on the computer.
  3. To configure a model, just enter conventional mathematical equations and expressions (functions, differential equations and iterations). No programming language or special commands , whether visual or written, are needed.
  4. Building a animation of a model is just as easy: choose objects such as images or vector, and assign properties such as position or size. With an easy to use Windows user interface, graphics and tables are also just a click away.
  5. Modellus can be used as a exploration (the user browses the models made by others) or as a edition new models. addition, models or any other window can be hidden and / or protected.
  6. Modellus comes with pre-built interactive examples that illustrate many of the scientific concepts. There are also many others available on this website or the draft curriculum.
  7. Modellus was designed by science education researchers to offer a software package with a pedagogical foundation . can help teachers and students become familiar with math ( the language of Nature, according to Galileo! ). If you are interested in learning more about pedagogy in Modellus, you can read a few articles regard.
  8. Modellus was created by Vitor Duarte Teodoro, with the collaboration of João Paulo Duque Vieira and Filipe Costa Cleric. was programmed by João Paulo Duque Vieira and Filipe Costa Cleric, with contributions from George Birbilis .

  • Modellus were available knowledge Revolution in 1997 and 1998. Since 1999, Modellus be available directly from the Faculty of Science and Technology. will also be available from the Institute of Physics (as part of the Promoting Physical project ) for the United Kingdom. Modellus may be available for other countries, schools and curriculum projects.


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