Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anti-soft Drink Slogan

therapeutic use of subliminal messages subliminal messages

Messages Subliminal are used for quite some time, for different purposes. There are several objectives to be achieved when creating a subliminal message , the most important are:

Commercial: Usually

seeks to increase sales volume any product or product group , also be looking make potential buyers prefer a product or brand over another (a). This kind of subliminal messages they are usually inserted in advertising, but also can place them in programs TV or radio and even movies. The

decade of 50 in the United States was an experiment that consisted of placing orders subliminal in a film, was placed every 30 images, an image with the orders: " Drink Coca Cola and eat pop corn "(Drink Coca Cola and eat popcorn corn), in the end it was determined that sales of Coca Cola in the cinema increased by 18%, and Pop Corn by 58% during the duration of the experiment.

also no evidence that supermarkets use subliminal messages in music heard in their institutions, with phrases discourage theft.


Many of addictions, phobias, habits , etc. are deeply rooted in the subconscious , for example, fear can be caused by an event for children, although have already forgotten that event, its effect is still present when the variables are similar, as in the case of fear of the dark or afraid of mice.

This kind of problems can be treated easily using subliminal messages therefore subliminal messages directly attack the source itself: The information in subconscious. For example, the smoking habit can be eliminated by messages that strengthen the idea that to reduce or eliminate the habit of smoking increases feeling of wellbeing.

Additionally, we know that many of the diseases affecting the human being has as its focus the mind or the subconscious , there is even research that shows that diseases that affect organs until infections are caused ideas we root throughout our lives, an example is that the cancer is caused by long hold grudges, this topic will be expanded in this blog in the future to information from our readers. So if some diseases have their focus on the mind (and as above, in the case of l other diseases), these can be prevented or cured through therapy with subliminal messages . Political


In political propaganda can introduce subliminal messages to tilt the vote of the voters favor a particular candidate this political season that is characterized by its abundance in images, sounds and music. Religious


is known that many religious sects, introduced in his music and images, subliminal messages to attract more believers, this usually hidden religious sects in order to raise money on behalf of God or deity, is even known that many of these groups use techniques brainwashing, this information also expand in the future.

These are the most common targets, but are not unique as to be subliminal message a means to achieve another person (or group) to follow exactly a given order, can achieve many things so its scope is very large.



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